Preprint / Version 1

Medical AI Chatbots: Benefits and Drawbacks for Patients and Medical Workers


  • Lexi Dai Polygence



Medical AI Chatbots, Healthcare, AI


As medical Artificial Intelligence chatbots have emerged, consumers, doctors, and policymakers are increasingly questioning their reliability. For patients who cannot readily access hospitals, such as people who live in rural areas or do not have health insurance, these online accessible AI tools can prove invaluable. These chatbots may also be able to detect issues earlier on due to their accessibility, allowing for a better chance of recovery. Medical workers may also use these chatbots for diagnostic reassurance and as an educational tool. Additionally, there is potential for many patients to use these chatbots in low-risk situations, which may lead to a decrease in patient congestion and reduce strain on hospital staff. Although the benefits the chatbots bring are great, they also carry many drawbacks, such as errors, biases, and patient data security. Errors and biases may lead to the misdiagnosis of patients, thus jeopardizing their health. Data breaches could also happen, exposing private and sensitive medical records. Currently, these medical AI chatbots are flawed but have lots of potential. This paper will review the benefits and drawbacks of medical AI chatbots and will cover how these AI tools provide benefits to both patients and medical workers.


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