Preprint / Version 1

The Epidemiology of Pendred Syndrome and Viable Treatment Therapies


  • Vivian Kao Cupertino High School



Pendred Syndrome, Cochlear implants, hearing disorder


Pendred Syndrome is a form of syndromic hearing loss characterized by sensorineural hearing loss, inner ear malformations, and irregularities of the thyroid and temporal bone. Pendred Syndrome is predominantly caused by genetic mutations in SLC26A4, but FOXL1 and KCNJ10 may also be involved.  Treatment involves using cochlear implantation to target hearing loss, which is associated with positive outcomes. Treatments for other effects of Pendred Syndrome include anticholinergics or benzodiazepines to treat vertigo and levothyroxine for hypothyroid patients. This review compiles the most recent information about Pendred Syndrome, and it provides a summary of the etiology, pathogenesis, and physical effects of the disorder.


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