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A Review on the Effects of Physical Activity on Ghrelin, an Appetite-Stimulating Hormone


  • Yubin Ha Chadwick International



Ghrelin, Appetite-Stimulating Hormone, peptide hormone


Ghrelin is a peptide hormone produced by the stomach, which is mainly responsible for appetite regulation. The aim of this review paper is to provide a summary of the current findings on the relationship between the different intensities and modalities of physical activity and ghrelin, and how ghrelin interacts with the brain to stimulate appetite.  After reviewing primary and secondary research papers about the relationships between physical exercise and ghrelin, it was found that high-intensity exercise was more likely to increase ghrelin levels than low-intensity exercise, activating hunger signals and stimulating food intake. However, there were inconsistencies in whether different types of exercise (anaerobic and aerobic) increase or decrease ghrelin levels. Although physical activity clearly has effects on ghrelin production, further research is needed to address the clear relationship between the two.


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