Preventive methods of reduce Anterior Cruciate Ligament injuries
Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Prevention methods, ACL injury, Reducing ACL injuriesAbstract
Anterior Cruciate Ligament injuries are common among female athletes with 16% of them experiencing ACL injuries during their careers. This can cause physical and mental stress for athletes and potentially impact their careers. A consensus on which preventive interventions are most effective has not been reached, therefore gaining knowledge on the anatomy and physiology of the ACL is essential in finding different methods of preventing ACL injuries. Interventions focusing on various prevention methods are often used. We reviewed existing literature that focused on the four major prevention methods to reduce ACL injuries. Studies that tested these methods by conducting several experiments have been identified, and four major methods of preventing ACL injuries are being highlighted in this review. These include preventing the trunk from swinging while landing, preventing the knees from moving medially, using the correct lower muscles for absorption, and using all the lower extremities equally. These studies reported that the rate of an ACL tear was lower with adoption of the different types of interventions. In addition to these techniques, future studies should also focus on new methods to strengthen an athlete's ability to perform without a major risk of injury.
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