Preprint / Version 1

What is the burden of bacterial infections causing neonatal sepsis in people between the ages of infants under 90 days old living in Eastern-Sub-Saharan Africa and the changes in the sea levels of the Indian Ocean from 2000-2018?


  • Hasini Chintalapati None



Neonatal sepsis, Eastern sub-Saharan Africa, Burden of Neonatal Sepsis, Climate Change, Indian Ocean Sea Levels


This research is a literature review regarding the burden of bacteria infections causing neonatal sepsis in people between the ages of newborn to 90 days-old living in Eastern-Sub-Saharan Africa and the changes in the sea levels of the Indian Ocean. Through a literature review, correlation between the two will be found and explained. External factors that may be influencing the burden of neonatal sepsis in people between the ages of newborn to 90 days-old living in Eastern-Sub-Saharan African will also be considered to ensure that the correlation between the burden of neonatal sepsis in the labeled demographic and rising sea levels in the Indian Ocean is real. Further steps to decrease the rates of neonatal sepsis in people between the ages of newborn to 90 days-old living in Eastern-Sub-Saharan African will also be explained. These methods will be related to the decrease of climate change and specific to the region being discussed. Figures and models are included to better explain the correlation and the best way to prevent the incidence rates of neonatal sepsis from increasing.


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