A Comparative Analysis of Gain-of-Function Research and Future Perspectives
Gain-of-Function, pathogen, pandemicAbstract
Gain-of-function (GOF) research is both impactful and controversial, as it involves genetically altering a pathogen to enhance its biological functions. One side believes that GOF research can offer knowledge about deadly pathogens and allow scientists to prevent future outbreaks. However, the other side argues that GOF research risks causing pandemics, making it too dangerous. There is clear disagreement in the scientific community regarding GOF research. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the GOF research debate by comparing the arguments and presenting the common grounds between them, as well as the limitations of current literature. Both sides prioritize protecting humankind yet emphasize the need for public involvement in the GOF research debate. Due to the pressing and significant need to make a decision regarding the future of GOF research, more objective papers with updated arguments and data are needed for both sides of the debate, and more effort should be put forward to inform the public so they can be involved in the discussions.
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