Preprint / Version 1

TikTok use and body image issues: A review on algorithm and interface design tactics that promote disordered eating in adolescents


  • Janna Han None



TikTok, body image issues, disordered eating


TikTok is a social media platform that has gained popularity in the past years (Kaufman, 2020) for its short form content that is personalized to each user. However, along with its rise in popularity has come a rise in criticism for its potential negative impact on its users’ mental health, specifically its younger demographics (Kaufman, 2020). This review paper explores how the features of the TikTok recommendation algorithm and user interface contribute to the promotion of eating disorders in their adolescent users. First, it will touch on the main features of the user interface and recommendation algorithm that have the largest impact on users. Then, it will examine how these features contribute to a push in unhealthy content towards young adults, which may distort their perceptions of reality. Specifically, it will explore how the addictive nature of the algorithm contributes to body dysmorphia, memory loss, attention span issues, depression, and anxiety, and why companies continue to use these harmful algorithms. Possible solutions for both users and app developers will also be discussed.


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