Preprint / Version 1

Fall Detection Device Using Machine Learning on Embedded Systems


  • Siddarth Nandyala STEM IT



Machine Learning, Embedded Fall Detection System, gyroscope


This project introduces an Embedded Fall Detection System using machine learning algorithms for rapid response to protect individual safety. By employing advanced sensors like the gyroscope and accelerometer IMU with real-time data analysis capabilities, an alarm will sound immediately upon detection of falls by users as soon as a system alarm triggers instant alarms for them; notifications will then be sent out by both email and notification system to designated contacts.

At its heart lies machine learning models trained on a fall dataset, which recognize patterns on efficient low-power embedded hardware to deliver discreet yet reliable daily life integration. When falls occur, immediate alarms provide user feedback, while email and notification alerts provide essential details that enable swift assistance from emergency services or caregivers.

This project pioneers assistive technology by embedding intelligent fall detection using machine learning on low-power systems. This technology can increase accuracy and quickly adapt to evolving situations, ensuring timely interventions to mitigate fall injuries and enhance the safety of at-risk individuals.

Author Biography

Siddarth Nandyala, STEM IT

Founder and CEO of STEM IT. 


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