Altered Information Processing Model in Adolescent Depression
adolescent depression, teen depression, information processing, negative cognitionAbstract
Depression poses a significant threat to young people, primarily due to their heightened neuroplasticity. This review paper employs the Adolescent Information Processing Model (Rice & Dolgin, 2005) to delve into the cognitive and neurobiological factors that contribute to depression in adolescents. By examining a wide array of scientific evidence, this paper supports the hypothesis that cognitive and neurobiological impairments play a crucial role in the development and maintenance of depression. These impairments disrupt various stages of information processing in adolescents, including: 1) selection, 2) interpretation, 3) memory incorporation, 4) thinking, and 5) reasoning for information validation. Through this comprehensive analysis, the paper highlights the complex interplay between cognitive and neurobiological factors in adolescent depression, providing valuable insights for future research and therapeutic interventions.
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