Preprint / Version 1

The Effect of Expressive Art Therapies on Alzheimer’s Disease


  • Sia Mehdiratta Basis Independent Silicon Valley
  • Ellen Herschel



Alzheimers, Art, Therapy


In recent years, the number of Alzheimer's cases has been rapidly increasing, with no known cure. Late-onset Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia, and in most cases, it severely interferes with daily life. In an attempt to reduce the impact this disease has cognitively and socially, expressive art therapy was taken as a non-pharmaceutical holistic treatment which has been proven to have various clinical benefits, including improved cognitive abilities and memory recollection. Three different forms of expressive art therapy were taken into consideration in this review: music therapy, visual arts therapy, and dance therapy. A total of 16 studies were assessed. While it may not always be feasible to undergo these treatments, individuals with Alzheimer’s and related dementias who are able to participate have an overall positive result on their memory and quality of life.


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