The Process of Hearing Gravitational Waves
Einstein's theory of relativity, Gravitational waves, spacetime, physicsAbstract
Gravitational waves, as theorized by Einstein's theory of relativity, are ripples in the fabric of spacetime. These waves have emerged as a topic for research. In this paper, we review the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). LIGO employs laser interferometry, a measuring technique that utilizes the interference of lasers to detect displacements. This state-of-the-art observatory is specifically designed to detect these waves. In this paper, we explore the techniques employed by LIGO in utilizing laser interferometry to gather data and their exhaustive analysis of this data. The achievements of LIGO are genuinely extraordinary, not only confirming Einstein's prediction regarding waves but also ushering in a new era of astrophysics. Moreover, by disseminating LIGO data, it becomes possible to convert these waves into sound samples. In conclusion, this paper emphasizes the significance of LIGO and its research on waves, reshaping how even non-physicists can comprehend monumental events, like ripples, in spacetime itself.
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