Uncovering the Truth Behind South Korea's Regional Regeneration
South Korea, Regional Regeneration, birthrateAbstract
Why has the South Korean government spent over $215 billion over the past 15 years to improve the fertility rate? What does the 0.78% birth rate in 2022 really mean, and how might this affect other aspects of South Korea?
Recently, South Korea has been battling with the significant issue of plummeting birth rates. South Korea’s new identity as the country with the lowest birth rate in the world has caused its government to look for solutions and causes of this new alarming title. Additionally, the government is focused on remedying the effects of the low birth rate. One of the most significant effects is regional extinction- a recently coined term describing the phenomenon of a region going ‘extinct’ due to a lack of citizens (Johnson and Lichter 2019).
Different countries think of unique ways to remedy the effects of regional extinction: an idea called regional regeneration. So, this paper will inquire into the question of what is regional regeneration in South Korea? What does regional regeneration mean and what is its main goal? How do communities work to promote regional regeneration? This paper will initially identify the presence of regional extinction as a problem. Then, I will be exploring what regional regeneration truly means through the analysis of case studies from 2 different countries experiencing regional extinction: Japan and India. Through case study analysis, I hope to investigate the impact culture has on regional regeneration methods. In other words, how different communities approach regional extinction.
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