Mental Health Literacy Levels Among Vietnamese Adolescents and Associated Mental Health Disorder Prevalence
Mental Health, Vietnamese, adolescentAbstract
Mental disorders pose a profound challenge around the world, given the massive and continuously rising number of people experiencing them. The global increase in the prevalence of mental health disorders has been seen even more starkly in Vietnamese society. An alarming number of adolescents (14.9% of the Vietnamese population) have experienced pressing concerns related to mental health. This research aims to investigate the correlation between mental health literacy levels and the prevalence of mental disorders among Vietnamese adolescents. By looking through Vietnamese mental health conditions and proven effective interventions, this research focuses on how improved education programs and access to care can reduce the prevalence of mental health disorders among Vietnamese adolescents in the future. Secondary data collection methods were applied. Drawing on sources such as journals, scientific articles, and websites, the research assembled relevant information concerning mental health in general and in Vietnam for a tailored analysis aligned with the study's goal. Poor literacy is likely to be responsible for the high prevalence of mental disorders, which can be recognized as one factor contributing to high rates of mental issues among Vietnamese adolescents. Their link is articulated in terms of several aspects in this research, focusing on literacy’s effects on hindering prevention and treatment. In addition, this research discusses the impacts of education programs and healthcare accessibility on individuals’ mental health, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach that integrates both measures. The findings call for targeted interventions to reduce the rates of mental health disorders. In response to today's aggravating rise in mental health disorders among Vietnamese adolescents, it is vital to take action promptly.
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