Weak Self-Regulation Skills and Its Impact on Technology Addiction and Adolescents’ Academic Procrastination
academic procrastination, adolescent, internet, social media, technology, anxiety, stress, executive functioning, self-regulationAbstract
This research paper explores the relationship between technology use and its influence on academic procrastination among adolescents. The study delves into the psychological impacts of technology-driven procrastination, shedding light on how constant connectivity and digital distractions contribute to heightened stress, reduced self-regulation, and diminished focus. By analyzing the effects of technology-related procrastination, the paper highlights the subsequent decline in academic performance, revealing a direct correlation between increased screen time and decreased productivity. Additionally, the paper investigates the underlying behavioral mechanisms that link technology use to procrastination tendencies, offering insights into the role of instant gratification. Through a comprehensive examination of technology’s impact on adolescents, this paper emphasizes the urgent need for strategies to mitigate the negative consequences of excessive digital engagement on academic success and overall well-being.
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