The Effects of Military Intervention in Failing States
military, intervention, social science, humanitarianAbstract
This essay delves into the multifaceted repercussions of military intervention in failing states, with a particular focus on economic collapse and political imbalance. Rao elucidates the intricate relationship between military intervention and a state's descent into failure, exploring the causes, consequences, and inherent complexities of such interventions. The economic fallout, examined through cases like Syria and the Bangladesh Liberation War, reveals the lasting impact on infrastructure, human capital, and GDP. Simultaneously, the examination of political imbalance, exemplified by instances like the Iranian coup of 1953 and the Bangladesh Liberation War, underscores the enduring challenges faced by intervened states in achieving stable governance. Rao contends that these issues are interconnected and advocates for global collaboration, adherence to international humanitarian law, and the incorporation of a fourth pillar into the Responsibility to Protect doctrine to address the profound effects of military intervention on failing states. The essay concludes with a call to contain the negative effects of conflict through concerted efforts, recognizing that the fate of millions hinges on the geopolitical repercussions of military intervention.
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