Optimizing Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment: A Comprehensive Review and Unique Experimental Insight
Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment, Advanced Oxidation Processes, conventional treatmentsAbstract
The increased production and consumption of pharmaceuticals to combat evolving diseases, bacteria, and generally as a treatment (or an aid to) for unsolvable ailments (i.e. psychiatric treatments for Alzheimer's), results in higher concentrations of pharmaceuticals exposed to the environment both from production processes and human waste. Both in the production and in the disposal of pharmaceuticals does an increase of it as waste arises, seen at greatest effect at a local (to the production facility) level but can potentially become a global issue. The paper goes over conventional treatments for pharmaceutical wastewater. These treatments are classed under Advanced Oxidation Processes, Bio-activated methods, and treatments that involve separation methods. These treatments are then evaluated for their qualities, good and bad, when dealing with pharmaceutical wastewater, and then are either chosen or discarded for the final two sections. The final two sections then create an experimental treatment solution post-evaluation of wastewater treatment solutions that are considered stable and beneficial, and then that will be evaluated, with the limitations being discussed and alternative perspectives given.
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