Differences in Nicotine Action and Dopamine Function During Nicotine Withdrawal
Nicotine, Dopamine, Addiction, neurobiology, smoking, nicotine withdrawalAbstract
Nicotine addiction is a significant public health issue, as it greatly raises the risk of chronic health issues such as lung cancer and cardiovascular disease, with adolescents being especially susceptible to addiction. Nicotine is the main active component found in tobacco products and works by binding to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). This leads to the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in reinforcing and maintaining the addictive properties of nicotine by triggering the brain’s reward pathway. In this review I will be looking at differences in nicotine action and dopamine function via dopamine transporters and dopamine-metabolizing enzymes in humans and animals, which play a pivotal role in the reuptake and degradation of dopamine. These are key factors in the regulation of dopamine levels within the brain, influencing the manifestation of nicotine withdrawal symptoms upon cessation of nicotine use that draw people back towards use of the drug.
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