How does music influence our dreams?
Neuroscience, Music, Sleep, Dream, Music TherapyAbstract
We all know that strong emotions and significant events during the day can shape dream scenarios, but can music have a similar effect? There is a potential avenue for exploring this connection-- for example, whether falling asleep to music generally improves our sleep, which would in turn influence the frequency of dreaming. Additionally, the valence of music (positive or negative) might influence our dream content. While doing that research, the context was "it was commonly observed that sounds in our environment, while we slept, could affect our dreams." Besides, the results we obtained as a result of the research are anticipated and these results will be that there’s a relationship between music beats per minute (BPM) and dream valence (positivity or negativity). Prospective mechanisms linking music to dream quality and content may be related to heart rate, blood pressure, and anxiety levels. These factors may be additionally influenced by the type, BPM, or genre of the music a person listens to. The changes in the content of the dreams people have are the emotions that the music reflects on them, emotions such as happiness, excitement, sadness, and anger that we can actively feel inside us. In addition, we will make use of the physiological, psychological, and neurological mechanisms of music in order to be able to make a more accurate analysis during this study.
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