Preprint / Version 1

The Effects of Anxiety on Children and Learning


  • Lili Todorinova Baccalaureate School for Global Education and Polygence student



anxiety, learning, children, Ketamine IV


Anxiety has extensive effects on a person’s daily life. The impact of anxiety on children and adolescents needs to be examined in order to better understand the influence that mental health disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder, separation anxiety, and social anxiety, have on the abilities and skill development of children. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of the causes and development of anxiety during the early stages of life, focusing on the role of fear and increased media exposure in these processes. Additionally, the effects that anxiety has on learning, explicitly in school, as well as potential solutions for this heightened problem, are further investigated. Lastly, new and innovative treatments for stress-related mental health disorders, such as Ketamine IV for anxiety relief, are discussed.


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