Preprint / Version 1

The Role of Generational Status in Access to Mental Health Care and Quality of Mental Health of Asian Indians in the U.S.


  • Jay Patel Calabasas High School



mental health, generational status, asian indians


In today’s world, mental health is a critical, yet underlooked topic that affects the health and well-being of everyone around the world (CDC, 2023). However, wide disparities within the mental healthcare industry currently exist because of a myriad of factors, the most prominent being cultural factors. Such individuals that retain these cultural factors include first and second-generation immigrants in America, more specifically Asian Indians.  However, there are substantial differences between first-generation immigrants, who are more likely to retain their native cultural values, compared to second and later generations of immigrants, who may be conflicted by both the American and cultural values of their parents. Therefore, this study aims to discover how the different mindsets, lifestyle, and interaction between first and second, and later generations of Asian Indians affect their access to mental healthcare and quality of mental health.

An anonymous two-part survey was given to a mixture of first and second and later generations of Asian Indians. The survey had respondents fill out a demographic profile on themselves and answer various multiple-choice questions regarding mental health counseling, barriers to mental healthcare, and mental health symptoms. The data was then analyzed to test our hypotheses regarding access to mental healthcare and mental health quality.


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