“The Forgotten People:” Analyzing the Invisible, Intersectional Discrimination Against Métis Women
Indigenous Rights, Activism, Discrimination, Racism, Metis, WomenAbstract
The Métis is a group of indigenous peoples in Canada. Having experienced centuries of injustices, beginning with colonialism dating back to the 16th century, culminating with military defeats in the 1800s and the establishment of residential schools, and continuing with structural injustices in the 21st century, Métis people have long been, and continue to be marginalized and made invisible in the Canadian society. In particular, Métis women face intersectional discrimination based on not only race, but also a multitude of identity factors, including gender, age, geographical location, health, sexual orientation, and lateral violence from First Nations peoples. This paper uncovers the multilayered oppression against young Métis women through a literature review and uses several theories to analyze the invisibility of this discrimination in society, including color-blind racism, collective shame, lack of understanding of intersectionality, and Mauvaise foi (bad faith). To address the invisible, intersectional discrimination against young Métis women, several suggestions and possibilities could be considered. These include amending the education system, fostering group affiliation, bringing structural changes to federal policies and funding system, and cooperating with other indigenous nations such as the First Nations and Inuit.
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