Antimatter: Storage and Applications
anti-matter, high-energy collisions., physicsAbstract
Antimatter is a fascinating and elusive substance that has intrigued scientists for nearly a century. It is the opposite of ordinary matter, with opposite electric charges, and is created in high-energy collisions. Despite its potential as an energy source and its applications in many fields, containing antimatter is a significant challenge due to its tendency to annihilate upon contact with normal matter. In this paper, we explore various methods for containing antimatter, including the Penning-Malmberg, cusp, and Paul traps. We also examine the exciting developments in antimatter research, including the ALPHA and BASE experiments at CERN, which aim to study the properties of antimatter. Additionally, we discuss the matter-antimatter asymmetry problem, which remains a central puzzle in physics and explore its potential explanations, such as the anti universe theory. Understanding how to effectively contain antimatter could revolutionize numerous fields, such as energy production, space exploration, and medical treatments, making it an area of ongoing interest and research.
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