Preprint / Version 1

Prospective Materials for Li-ion Batteries


  • Saanvi Deb Polygence



energy storage systems, lithium-ion batteries, electrochemistry, sustainable energy, Clean Energy, Renewable Energy


Climate change, driven by greenhouse gas emissions, poses significant environmental and economic challenges. As a result, there has been increasing interest in renewable energy due to its lack of greenhouse gas emissions unlike fossil fuels. However, these sources of energy face issues when it comes to particular energy storage. Lithium-ion batteries, known for their high energy density and rechargeability, are integral for creating a sustainable grid. Most forms of renewable energy are not consistent, for example solar panels don’t produce energy at night. Therefore there is a need for an ability to store vast amounts of electricity for future use. In transportation, high-energy-density energy storage is needed to ensure that vehicles can run for long periods of time off of electricity. This paper focuses on understanding what characteristics optimize lithium-ion batteries for commercial electric vehicles and also addresses issues like cell degradation, dendrite growth, and thermal runaway. By highlighting these hurdles and identifying promising material innovations, this work aims to contribute to the development of safer, more efficient lithium-ion batteries, driving progress toward a sustainable transportation future.


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