The Impact of Illiteracy on the Homeless Population
Literacy, Homelessness, Education, Generational cycleAbstract
This project will address the impact of literacy on the homeless population. Literacy is essential for those struggling to get out of homelessness, as it is necessary in order to obtain and keep a job. For children experiencing homelessness, quality education is difficult to achieve, and the cycle of homelessness continues as illiteracy is perpetuated. This cycle keeps people without incomes, homes, and stability, and makes it even more difficult to achieve literacy at any stage of life. How specifically does homelessness impact access to literacy, and how is literacy essential to mobility out of homelessness? This final project will include a research paper that analyzes and answers these questions. I hope to motivate people who have had access to literacy to take time to work with those who haven’t, and share that ability with them in the hope that it gives them the resources necessary to build a better life.
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