The Relationship Between Parent-Adolescent Communication and Confidence and Academic Performance
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire, Parent-Adolescent Communication, Confidence, Academic PerformanceAbstract
This study examines the relationship between parenting styles, parent-adolescent communication, and key developmental outcomes such as self-esteem, self-regulation, and academic performance. Drawing from existing models of parenting, the research aims to identify how varying levels of autonomy support and control influence adolescent development, with a particular focus on self-esteem and academic motivation. Using a questionnaire-based design, the study incorporates established scales such as the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the Perceptions of Parents Scale, and the Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire to assess self-esteem, perceived parenting styles, and academic motivation. The findings suggest that parenting styles characterized by high autonomy support and low control are positively correlated with higher self-esteem, intrinsic motivation, and better academic performance. In contrast, high control coupled with low autonomy support is linked to lower self-esteem and a tendency toward external regulation or amotivation. The study emphasizes the complexity and variability of these relationships, indicating that parental influence on adolescent development is moderated by individual and contextual factors such as temperament and socio-economic status. While the study identifies key trends, it also highlights the need for further research to explore causal pathways and the role of diverse cultural and socio-economic contexts. Future research should employ longitudinal designs and advanced statistical methods to refine understanding of how parenting styles shape adolescent development over time. The results contribute to a broader understanding of how parenting practices can foster positive academic and psychological outcomes, with implications for interventions aimed at supporting healthy adolescent development.References
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