Developmental Trajectories of Antisocial Personality Disorder During Childhood and Adolescence
Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) is a serious public health concern due to its increased risk for violent criminal behavior. It is crucial to properly understand the developmental trajectory of ASPD so that more preventative measures are able to be put in place to mitigate the effects the disorder has on quality of life for those afflicted. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate modifiable, socioenvironmental risk and protective factors of ASPD and to educate the public on its early intervention among youth with CD. Findings from quantitative and qualitative studies from the United States were reviewed in this paper. Study findings reported parenting styles, social isolation, and negative peer affiliation as risk factors for CD. Parenting classes and classroom interventions were found to be protective factors for CD. Given the significance of adult intervention in child development, it is crucial to continue research in areas surrounding the betterment of the mental welfare of children, especially in view of the consequential impact adults have in shaping the personality development of the children they interact with.
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