Amazon Stock Analysis
Stock, Stock AnalysisAbstract
Amazon has always been a consistant and trusted company. It is known for its quick and reliable services and having a very wide range of products. The Amazon stock is one of the biggest things talked about in the stock market today. As a major company Amazon's stock has been on the rise for years now impacting the stock market positively. Through the year 2024 Amazon's stock has been amazing, with an overall price increase of above 50% Amazon is one of the main competitors on the stock market today. The growth of Amazon starts with its E-commerce, as one of the largest E-commerce capmanies in the world Amazon has been able to take over the Industry. The growth and expansion of Amazon Prime has led to a major revenue increase for Amazon allowing them to make beneficial changes in their company. Amazon's cloud services have also led to the growth this year and a big source of the revenue. Amazon's growth over the year has allowed for the company to grow and for the company to make changes that are making the company so much better. The Amazon stock is a must have going into 2025. It has increased all of 2024 and in November it started increasing at a much higher rate.
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