Different Music Genre Interventions and Anxiety among High Schoolers
music therapy, classical, pop, rock, grunge, academic stress, anxiety, adolescence mental healthAbstract
Academic stress and anxiety are major issues that high school students in the United States experience. Due to university acceptance rates dropping and increased competition in schools, academic stress has become even more prevalent. This literature review examines music therapy interventions using various genres like pop music, classical, as well as rock and grunge music to help students suffering from academic stress and anxiety. The aim of this review was to understand which music genres are effective in therapy and which genres are potentially ineffective during therapy. In order to structure this paper thematically, each section was centered around a specific music genre along with various subtopics like bpm, durations of music and effects on stress. Findings indicated that pop and classical music were most effective during music therapy, this may be attributed to uplifting lyrics and melodies along with rhythms. Rock and grunge music were found to be ineffective as compared to pop and classical music during music therapy. This can be on account of the genre’s intensity and heavy emotional lyrics causing no decrease in stress or anxiety.
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