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The Game Plan Outside the Game

A Deep Dive Into Emergency Action Plans


  • Nathan Reddy Allipeta Arcadia High School



Emergency action plans, sports medicine, athlete


 Emergency action plans (EAPs) in sports medicine provide guidelines to prepare athletic trainers to respond to various injuries during sports games. Due to the increase in sports injuries globally, the necessity of EAPs has increased proportionally. Components of EAPs include personnel roles, communication protocols, venue considerations, equipment specifications, and general training. However, in non pro level sports, improper implementation of EAPs caused by a lack of awareness of the specifics of EAPs by school personnel causes the continued injury of many athletes. This paper defines and summarizes EAPs and reviews various articles to develop potential solutions for increasing awareness of these plans, allowing them to be executed to a better standard.  This paper reveals that, in non pro sport schools and organizations, unlike other medical emergency plans, EAPs are not required to be held by athletic trainers, which not only decreases the general population's awareness of these plans but also negatively impacts athlete health as there are no precautions. However, evidence suggests that the mandatory use of other medical emergency plans (different from EAPs in that they are used in other fields of medicine rather than in sports) has improved medical care in hospitals, indicating that making EAPs mandatory could have a similar effect in improving athlete safety and addressing these issues. Not only that, just as EAPs are mandatory in pro-sports, making them mandatory in high school levels would prevent the deaths of many athletes.  


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