Beyond the Filter
TikTok's Role in Shaping Body Image and Self-Esteem in Asian and Asian American Girls and Women
Tik Tok, Body Image, Social Media, Self-esteem, Asian and Asian American Women, Beauty standardsAbstract
This study examines the relationship between TikTok content consumption and body image concerns among Asian and Asian American females, focusing on the influence of cultural beauty standards. The research explores how exposure to TikTok videos featuring attractive influencers affects body image and self-esteem of participants. Participants included 26 Asian and Asian American women, aged 15-43, who completed surveys incorporating the Body Shape Questionnaire and Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale. The data were analyzed using correlation and regression analyses. Results indicated a significant negative relationship between the frequency of TikTok consumption and self-esteem, with increased exposure to influencer content correlating with lower levels of body satisfaction. Qualitative findings also revealed cultural tensions between Western and traditional Asian beauty ideals as key factors in shaping participants' body image concerns. The study results suggest that TikTok may exacerbate body image issues in this demographic, highlighting the need for targeted media literacy programs.
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