Preprint / Version 1

The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Mental Health Space


  • Anya Garg James Logan High School



Mental Health, Artificial Intelligence


The integration of artificial intelligence into mental healthcare has significantly changed service providers’ ability to diagnose, treat, and monitor their patients. This review paper examines the various applications of AI in mental healthcare, as well as the challenges and opportunities presented by AI technology. We begin with a look at the cause and creation of AI technologies in the mental health field and an overview of the technologies that already exist and how they evolved over time. Next, we detail specific ways that AI helps both the patient and therapist and ways that technology makes up for the current shortcomings of mental healthcare providers. Finally, we take a look at concerns for using AI technology in the mental health field and different ways that these concerns are being handled. This review paper intends to elucidate the scope of AI technologies in the past and present, as well as its potential for the future. 


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