A Restriction of media’s freedom of speech in Kazakhstan
freedom of speech, Journalism, censorship, mediaAbstract
Every day in our restless world, not familiar with peace, different types of events occur, both good and bad. And news is what helps us, ordinary people, to understand our world around us. Those could be amazing discoveries of science, a conflict, or political action. Those who take on the courageous role of covering them, those who give people awareness of the general situation within the country - journalists - face daily restrictions on their freedom of speech and different types of censorship. This research paper seeks to explore the challenges faced by journalists, its consequences , media independence, as well as the complex dynamics of state, corporations and media relations, in the context of democratic values in Kazakhstan. The results highlight the importance of protecting freedom of speech as a fundamental human right and highlight the ongoing struggle for press freedom and media pluralism in Kazakhstan. Topics such as ethics, freedom of expression, abuse of power, corruption and others were touched upon.
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