Preprint / Version 1

Game, Set, Science

Exploring the Mathematics and Physics of Tennis


  • Naisha Rastogi DPS International



Physics, Mathematics, Tennis, Sports Sciences, Biomechanics, Probability, Kinematics


Tennis is a sport that has transcended time and culture. It is a sport known for its skill, strategy, and athleticism, and offers an interdisciplinary understanding where mathematics and physics shape the basis of the game. As players play every shot, serve, and volley, they explore various fundamentals of mathematics and physics. This research project delves into the relationship between mathematics, physics, and tennis, aiming to understand how these mathematical and scientific principles can enhance performance in tennis as well as conceptual understanding in these disciplinaries. As a tennis player, the angles, forces, and trajectories have always intrigued me. This project is an interdisciplinary between my passion for tennis and my fascination with the application of mathematics and physics. Through exploring the mathematical and physical aspects of tennis, this aims to not only enhance my understanding of these disciplines but also improve my performance in tennis. I have often heard my coach reference various terms of mathematics and physics like forces and angles which was one of the inspirations for my research project. This research project is a personal journey of discovery and growth, blending my love for the sport with a quest for knowledge and improvement.


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