An Analysis of the Impacts of Russia’s Transition to Capitalism on the Russian Working Class
Russian working class, Collectivism, Individualism, Communism, Capitalism, Trade unionsAbstract
Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the study of Russian affairs has catapulted to the forefront of scholarly discourse. Consequently, reports on oligarchic spending and political corruption have overshadowed the ever-present hardships faced by the country’s working class. This paper argues that the root of these working-class difficulties is the country’s transition from Communism to capitalism following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Historical study demonstrates the efficacy of collectivist working-class initiatives under Soviet Communism, such as subbotnik, which generated prosperity within the Soviet economy. An economic analysis reveals that the capitalist reform established by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev favored Russian elites, as the Russian working class became increasingly impoverished. The collectivist trade unions that were central to the Soviet economic system provided Russian workers with a sense of security. However, with the country’s capitalist transition, that safety net has been diminished. An examination of the Russian political climate reveals a degree of corruption that, alongside restrictions to freedom of speech, limits the extent to which workers can advocate for policies that favor their interests. The conclusions derived from this research will provide a solution that is relevant to contemporary post-Soviet affairs; they highlight the role anti-corruption education, the Federation of Independent Trade Unions, and the United Nations can play in securing a more promising future for Russia’s working class.
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