Evaluation of The Physical and Psychosocial Consequences of Sleep Disruption in Adolescents
Neuroscience, Sleep Deprivation, AdolescentsAbstract
During puberty, adolescents worldwide frequently experience many forms of sleep disruption. Both homeostatic and circadian mechanisms are affected during puberty, along with other psychosocial factors such as academic pressure, mental health issues, increased autonomy, and reduced parental regulations. Various studies have explored the impacts of sleep disturbance throughout the lifespan and universally conclude that lack of sleep can have detrimental effects on the human body. Adolescents face unique consequences of sleep disruption as it is a transitory period to adulthood complicated with hormonal, emotional, and social challenges. Data has shown that lack of sleep in adolescence negatively impacts academic performance. Other aftermaths could also be detected, such as mood disturbances, behaviors and decision-making skills, daytime sleepiness, and severe physical impacts. The project will review several journal articles published by reputable sources to analyze the consequences of sleep disturbance in adolescents. Evidence will be presented to shed light on the cognitive, mental and physical aftermaths of sleep deprivation, therefore conveying the need for solutions to mitigate the effects of this alarming issue.
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