Preprint / Version 1

The Effect of Interaction with a Robotic Seal on Adolescents’ Stress Level


  • Sarah Hyun Shattuck-St.Mary School
  • Dr. Maren LaLiberty Shattuck-St.Mary's School
  • Dr. Mindy Ray



Mental Health, Stress, Anxiety, Robot Therapy


Early adolescence clearly represents a critical period of development during which the risk of stress-related problems is heightened and can be an important time to intervene to prevent mental health problems. Increased levels of stress for adolescents can lead to many negative outcomes, including a decline in academic performance, an increased rate of school dropout, and an increased risk of mental health problems. Previous research has found that interaction with social robots can reduce symptoms of stress in adolescents and that interaction with a robotic seal, PARO, can improve the quality of life in the elderly. A visual facial anxiety measurement (VFAS), blood pressure, heart rate, and GSR were used to assess anxiety levels in 21 adolescents (10th to 12th grade) before and after a 15-minute interaction with PARO. The results of the study found no significant difference in HR and BP before and after interacting with PARO. A 43% decrease in adolescents’ VFAS scores was observed after interacting with PARO. These results demonstrated that interacting with PARO decreased adolescents’ momentary anxiety levels.


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